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Have we 'ad' enough of in-game marketing? | Podcast

Latest episode available now, also discusses Apple's plans to cull older apps if developers don't update them

The team gather around their mics to discuss the biggest news from across the business of video games in the latest edition of The Podcast.

For this episode, we start by discussing the news that both Sony and Microsoft are reportedly considering introducing in-game ads into free-to-play titles on their consoles.

While both are said to be working on inobtrusive methods, the initial reception to the news has not been positive. We discuss the rise of advertising in games, previous attempts to establish this as a model on consoles, and what limitations remain.

We also reflect on the recent news that Apple is requiring developers to update years-old apps, with the threat of removal if they don't, and what impact this will have on game preservation and more.

You can listen via the player below, download the episode here, or subscribe to our feed, available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Title music composed by Thomas Marchant. Episode mastered by Alix Attenborough.

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