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EA and FIFA $1bn branding dance | Podcast

Latest episode available to download now, also discusses missing credits for Metroid Dread developers

You can now download the latest episode of The Podcast, in which we discuss some of the biggest stories from across the industry.

First up, we discuss the ongoing dance between Electronic Arts and football association FIFA. While EA has claimed it's considering a rebrand for its best-selling football series, FIFA has suggested it's considering licensing out its brand to additional parties.

We ponder what each side has to lose or gain, or whether ultimately these are just negotiating tactics and the world's biggest-selling game will likely remain just the way it is.

Then, following complaints from Metroid Dread developers who did not receive credit in the final game, we explore what should earn a place in any project's staff roll.

You can listen to our latest episode in the player above, subscribe to our directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Title music composed by Thomas Marchant. Episode mastered by Alix Attenborough.

Don't forget, we released podcast versions for three of the best GI Live: London interviews. You can find them on the feed, or listen to them here.

And be sure to check out the latest episodes of The Game Developers' Playlist and The Five Games Of, all episodes of which are on the same podcast feed.

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