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Cybercrunch 2077 and Pokémon Stay | Podcast

Latest episode available to download now, also discusses the early success of Genshin Impact

You can now download the latest Podcast, in which Rebekah, Marie and James discuss three of the biggest stories of the past week.

We start with the disappointing but perhaps inevitable news that -- despite promises of 'non-obligatory crunch' and multiple delays to the game - CD Projekt Red is forcing the Cyberpunk 2077 developers to work six-day weeks in the run-up to its November 19 launch.

Then we're joined by Eurogamer's Lottie Lynn to discuss the impact of changes Niantic made to Pokémon Go to account for the pandemic -- and how it will likely affect the game now many of these are becoming permanent.

Finally, we take a look at the early success of Chinese-developed free-to-play epic Genshim Impact, as well as sharing our initial impressions of the game widely described as a Breath of the Wild clone. 

You can listen to our latest episode below, subscribe to our RSS feed, or download the file directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

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