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PlayStation, pre-orders and preparing for next-gen | Podcast

Latest episode now available to download, in which we weigh up the bigegst challenges facing the new consoles

Matt, Rebekah, Brendan and USGamer's Mike Williams discuss the biggest news of the past week.

We start with the PS5 launch plans and confusion over pre-orders, and move on to our wider thoughts about the next console generation.

With both platform holders offering digital-only consoles, what does this mean for the concept of ownership during the upcoming generation? And how does the rise of subscriptions factor into this?

Finally, we go round the table and share which next-gen machine most appeals to us.

You can listen to our latest episode below, subscribe to our RSS feed, or download the file directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

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