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The Podcast: How will coronavirus affect the games industry?

Latest episode also discusses Kickstarter's journey from union-busting to unionisation

Matthew, Brendan, Rebekah and James discuss the latest headlines, predominantly focusing on the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.

With Sony and Facebook -- and, since recording, Kojima Productions -- withdrawing from GDC 2020 and the cancellation of Mobile World Congress, the consequences for the event space are perhaps the most obviously felt.

But there are also continuing reports of delays and disruptions to manufacturing, which could potentially see one or both next-generation consoles delayed into next year.

We discuss how the industry has been coping with these developments so far, and speculate as to how plans for launching PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X (among other things) might change as efforts to combat the virus continue.

We also discuss the recent news that Kickstarter has unionised, and reflect on what it took for this decision to be made so soon after the tech firm was accused of union busting.

You can listen to our latest episode below, subscribe to our RSS feed, or download the file directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

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