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Trends of the Year 2021 | Podcast

We look back at some of the biggest stories and developments of the past 12 months

In the first of our two year-end shows, we reflect on some of the biggest topics of the past 12 months in the games industry.

We start with a discussion about the state of the AAA market, with a particular focus on the wave of new studios we've seen emerge - and the room for improvement when it comes to diversity behind the scenes.

Then, we recap the highlights and implications of the Epic vs Apple trial from earlier this year. And we finish off with an update on our thoughts on what are undeniably the two biggest buzzwords of 2021: 'blockchain' and 'metaverse.'

We'll be back next week with our Games of the Year show (but you can read our first article here).

You can listen to our latest episode here, or subscribe to our feed, available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Title music composed by Thomas Marchant. Episode mastered by Alix Attenborough.

Be sure to check out the latest episodes of The Game Developers' Playlist and The Five Games Of, all episodes of which are on the same podcast feed.

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