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Sony's Ueda on The Last Guardian: "it's been business as usual"

Work continues on The Last Guardian, but there's frustratingly little progress to report

Fumito Ueda, creative lead for ICO and Shadow of the Colossus and the upcoming The Last Guardian , has been rarely seen since he departed Sony, though he's still working on The Last Guardian as a contractor. Despite the fact that his game has been little more visible than him, he asserts that nothing has changed about the development.

"It's been business as usual," Ueda said to Kotaku. "The only things that've really changed are the terms of my contract."

Ueda was not very forthcoming when asked about how the development was coming along, only saying, "I can't really comment on the details."

Sony Worldwide president Shuhei Yoshida recently detailed why The Last Guardian wasn't at E3 2012: "The team is back in Tokyo is working hard, and there are some technical difficulties that the team is focused on right now," said Yoshida. "That's why we don't have an update."

He also asserted the game is still coming to PS3 and not Sony's next console. "When we have confidence in saying that, we will talk about it," he said. "But today, we are working through some engineering effort."

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David Radd: David Radd has worked as a gaming journalist since 2004 at sites such as GamerFeed, Gigex and GameDaily Biz. He was previously senior editor at IndustryGamers.
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