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Nintendo wins $2m in lawsuit against Team Xecutor resellers ordered to cease sale of Switch hack devices and destroy all remaining stock

Nintendo has secured another victory in its ongoing struggle against Team Xecutor, the anonymous hacking group that sells tools enabling Switch owners to play pirated games.

The platform holder's lawsuit against and its owner Tom Dilts Jr has been successful, with the Northern District Court of Ohio ordering the defendants to pay Nintendo $2 million.

The figure is listed in a proposed final judgement document, shared by Torrent Freak. It has yet to be signed but was submitted with the consent of both Nintendo and UberChips.

The lawsuit was one of two Nintendo filed earlier this year against resellers offering customers Team Xecutor hacks, such as the SX range. Shortly after, UberChips went offline and cancelled all pre-orders for SX devices.

Once this ruling has been signed, UberChips is ordered to cease sales and trafficking of any circumvention devices that affect any of Nintendo's consoles or copyrighted work.

The domain name will be transferred to Nintendo's control, with the defendants ordered not to use any variant or successor that involves Nintendo's materials.

It has also been forbidden from directly or indirectly infringing on both current and future Nintendo copyrights and trademarks.

Finally, any circumvention devices violating Nintendo's consoles or games that UberChips has in stock is to be handed over or destroyed.

Nintendo won an injunction against another Team Xecutor reseller back in January, and secured a UK High Court order that requires internet service providers to block access to four sites offering one of the group's products.

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James Batchelor: James is Editor-in-Chief at, and has been a B2B journalist since 2006. He is author of The Best Non-Violent Video Games
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