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Breaking out of the Xbox | Podcast

Latest episode available to download now, featuring a deep dive into the next generation of hardware with Digital Foundry's John Linneman

On the latest Podcast, three members of the team -- Matt, Marie, and Rebekah -- chat with Digital Foundry's John Linneman about the impending next generation of consoles, especially the Xbox Series X.

With just a few weeks remaining before the launch of both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles, we reflect on the marketing and announcement cycles of both over the last year, as well as do a bit of deep-diving into what the hardware improvements of the Xbox Series X and S will mean for average users.

We also dip into pricing, both hardware and software, as well as the recent addition and subsequent removal of unskippable ads in NBA 2K21 and UFC 4.

One note: this episode was recorded on Friday, October 23, and in the episode we mention that Destruction All-Stars is a PlayStation 5 launch title. Shortly before we published the episode, Sony announced the game was being delayed to February, and thus is no longer a launch title.

You can listen to our latest episode below, subscribe to our RSS feed, or download the file directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Don't forget to check out the latest episodes of The Game Developers' Playlist and The Five Games Of, all episodes of which are on the same podcast feed.

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