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The Podcast: A Guide To Remote Working

The team shares its own experiences of remote working as the world adapts to lockdown

In this special edition of the podcast, the team shares our own experience of remote working.

With so many countries around the world in varying stages of lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19, almost the entire industry has shifted to a work-from-home model that is a far cry from the way it usually operates.

We've already run a series of articles offering advice on how to adjust to this -- which you can read through the links below the podcast player -- but we wanted to contribute in our own way. has always been run primarily from remote locations, as you might expect from a team distributed around the globe. While this means our experience may not be directly applicable to where everyone finds themselves now, there are tips, tricks and considerations we believe may be of value to those adjusting to working from home.

You can listen to our latest episode below, subscribe to our RSS feed, or download the file directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

If you missed this week's news-centric episode, Platform Holders and the Pandemic, you can listen in or download here.

More advice on remote working

How to transition from working from home to being a remote studio
Due to the coronavirus crisis, leading games studios are having to learn to work remotely. But how do you make a success of working from home?

Making remote work work
Two developers from Endless' global workforce focus on communication, trust, and culture in distributed development.

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Moon Studios' Thomas Mahler reveals the challenges and solutions to managing a distributed development team.

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