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Tecmo facing more Team Ninja defections?

Up to 36 members of the team could be following Itagaki's lead and planning lawsuits

As many as 36 members of Team Ninja are rumoured to be ready to quit and file lawsuits against its parent company Tecmo over unpaid bonuses, according to reports by 1UP.

If true this would follow the resignation and pending litigation of the group's former leader, Tomonobu Itagaki, against Tecmo's president Yoshimi Yasuda for similar reasons.

Previously, Tecmo had branded Itagaki's comments as "distortions", assuring investors and consumers that Team Ninja were still on board and working on new projects.

However, following Itagaki's announcement of his plans, Tecmo's stock fell from JPY 1102 (USD 10.4) to JPY 985 (USD 9.29) - a total drop of 10.6 per cent.

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