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Shahid Ahmad leaving Sony after 10 years

Popular head of Strategic Content returns to the front lines of development

Shahid Kamal Ahmad, the well known and highly respected head of Sony's Strategic Content division in the UK, is leaving the platform holder after a ten year stint at the firm. As he announced this morning, he'll be leaving what he called "the best job in video games today" and returning to the front lines of development by creating his own games.

Known for his tremendous work ethic and eminently approachable nature, Ahmad has been heading up the Strategic Content division since March 2012, helping small indie teams put their games on to Sony's platforms. Whilst bringing names like Vlambeer and Mike Bithell to Sony's platforms, predominantly the Vita, Ahmad has provided a level of support and guidance which has earned him many friends in the UK scene and abroad. In his absence, the team he helped to build will continue its work, with Ahmad parting company on the best of terms.

"Strategic Content will continue. There are no plans to change anything. Our approach to developers will also be unchanged"

"On December 1st 2015, I will be celebrating 10 years at PlayStation," said Ahmad in a post on his personal blog. "This has been the most rewarding period of my professional life. I have had personal highs and lows and the company has supported me throughout. The last few years in particular have brought so many professional highs, that it's been hard to take it all in.

"So it might surprise you to learn that I'm planning on leaving this wonderful company. Some will want to know why, and some will want to know what it means to developers and to the amazing Strategic Content team that I will be leaving behind.

"Strategic Content will continue. There are no plans to change anything. Our approach to developers will also be unchanged. We have many talented people across the board who work tirelessly to support developers in bringing their videogames to PlayStation. Leaving this company has been the hardest decision of my career, because I get to work with the most dedicated, friendly and inspiring people in the business. So why am I doing this? Why leave when things are going so well?"

"I want to make games again. I stopped being a developer around a quarter of a century ago and have seen so many changes since then, with most of the exciting ones happening in the last few years. I want to be part of that"

Whilst he's clearly relished the role, it seems Ahmad hasn't quite been able to scratch his creative itch whilst working for Sony, despite keeping his development skills keen by working on various projects of his own in his spare time. Now, he hopes to return to full time development.

"I want to make games again," he continues. "I stopped being a developer around a quarter of a century ago and have seen so many changes since then, with most of the exciting ones happening in the last few years. I want to be part of that. It's that simple. The team at PlayStation, while sad to see me go, completely understands my desire. I am privileged to enjoy their support.

"I'd love to keep in touch with you as I start my new life in December and as always, you can reach me on Twitter (@shahidkamal), where I will continue to be a friend of PlayStation, its partners and its fans."

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