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Nokia axing further 10,000 jobs

Number of roles cut under Elop's reign reaches 40,000

Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia is to cut a further 10,000 jobs from its global workforce, bringing the total number of redundancies made under CEO Stephen Elop's reign to 40,000.

The job cuts will take place by the end of calendar 2013 and will include major redundancies in the Devices & Services arm, alongside closures in Germany, Finland and Canada. Other departments undergoing streamlining include IT and corporate, reports The Verge.

In addition to the cuts, Nokia is also shaking up top tier management positions, promoting Juha Putkiranta to executive VP of operations, Chris Weber to EVP of sales and marketing and Timo Toikkanen to head of mobile. Jerri DeVard, Mary McDowell, and Niklas Savander are all stepping down from board advisory positions on Nokia's Leadership Team.

CEO Stephen Elop has presided over a troubled period at the company, seeing market share plummeting as Apple dominated top tier handsets and Android squeezing Nokia out of the middle ground.

Making the decision to abandon both Nokia's own Symbian platform, and Intel's Meego in favour of Windows Phone 7, Elop called Nokia a burning platform, eliciting a strong response from Intel CEO Paul Otellini.

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