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Nintendo "troubled" by "insatiable" gaming community

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime laments gamers' constant lust for content

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime took some time during E3 to talk about the challenges of dealing with an increasingly growing gaming audience, one that has more or less grown up on Nintendo systems. With gamers continuing to want more and more titles from franchises, Fils-Aime simply believes that gamers will simply never be satisfied.

Going so far as to say that the trend is rather 'troubling,' Fils-Aime remarked to Kotaku that he is worried that announcements like consoles and next-gen games are just not enough for the crowd. "One of the things that, on one hand, I love and, on the other hand, that troubles me tremendously about not only our fanbase but about the gaming community at large is that, whenever you share information, the perspective is, 'Thank you, but I want more.' 'Thank you, but give me more.' I mean, it is insatiable."

"For years this community has been asking, 'Where's Pikmin?' 'Where's Pikmin?' 'Where's Pikmin?' We give them Pikmin. And then they say, 'What else?'"

Many have pushed back at Nintendo for what was perceived as a lackluster showing from the company. A new console and multiple new titles did little to sway the core gaming opinion that Nintendo simply didn't 'wow' the crowd at E3 2012.

"They say, 'Ho-hum, give me more.' So it's an interesting challenge," Fils-Aime said.

Of course, Fils-Aime doesn't deny that their titles have been selling stupendously well at market. The Wii, which has the most console sales this generation, has been a massive hit for a company that is only recently seeing the kinds of sales problems that have been affecting Microsoft and Sony.

Gamers are simply expecting something different from Nintendo, not more of the same from titles like Wii Fit, it is pointed out. Regardless, Fils-Aime pushes back, insisting that 43 million units sold is "a phenomenon."

"I would argue that the gaming community actually is unable to differentiate between a phenomenon and something that is 'ho-hum… Until they play it. Until they experience it. Until their friends and their non-gaming associates say, 'Hey, have you seen X?'"

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.
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