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GI Career Fair: Meet the Recruiters

Aardvark Swift, Amiqus and MPG Universal on how to move your industry career forward

Getting into this industry can be a daunting task, but finding the right way up the career ladder afterwards is also fraught with difficulty. For many graduates, disappointment awaits, but with the right advice you can find yourself amongst the lucky few.

Most roles for major companies, and plenty of smaller ones too, will be handled by recruitment agencies: professional bodies tasked with sifting the wheat from the chaff and providing the best CVs for employers to choose from. Given the inside edge on what it is that games companies want from their staff, recruiters are a wellspring of information on how to get your big break.

In this, the eighth in our series of GI Career Fair videos from the Eurogamer Expo, we have three of recruitment's top headhunters sharing their experience and insight into what it is that applicants need to do to stand out from the sometimes intimidatingly large crowd.

Peter Aunins of Aardvark Swift has ten years on the job to call on, whilst John Chalkley from Amiqus and MPG Universal's Noel Krohn have been working as recruiters for around six years each. Their advice may seem tough at times, but there's really no better source of information for prospective industry workers.

Hear what they had to say to students, graduates and seasoned professionals alike in the video below. The session is hosted and moderated by editor, Matt Martin.

Amiqus, Aardvark Swift and MPG Universal on how to stay ahead when job hunting.

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