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Eurogamer's unique traffic surges 10% to 5.7m monthly users

Multilingual core site sees massive growth as new records reached

Unique visits to the eleven pan-European Eurogamer sites have risen by over ten per cent since last year, the latest traffic numbers have shown.

The final tally for unique browsers for and its ten other foreign language editions was 5,778,816 between November 1 and 31, 2011. Over 42 million pages impressions were registered across the eleven portals during that same period, setting another new traffic record.

Not included in those figures are the traffic totals for other Eurogamer network sites, including Rock Paper Shotgun, Nintendo Life, Industry Gamers, and VG247.

"We believe that independent certification is the strongest possible way to prove your traffic to partners and clients. We're thrilled to show our twelfth consecutive year of growth across the network," said Eurogamer Network operations director Tom Bramwell.

"Last year we relaunched the site in 10 languages simultaneously, giving ourselves a fantastic new publishing platform to build upon, and already this year we're driving forward with significant investment in new editorial and other new projects. I have no doubt the sites will be even stronger when we report our figures for 2012."

MD and co-founder Rupert Loman also celebrated the new totals.

"The continued growth of Eurogamer is at the core of our business and we're very pleased with the figures," said Loman.

"This year we will also deliver the biggest and best ever Eurogamer Expo, and have huge plans for and our US operations. We're looking forward to another great year."

A full certificate for the figures is available for viewing on the ABC website.

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