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Eurogamer Expo adds Rezzed PC and Indie Games Zone

"PC and independent gaming has never been more popular or significant for the games industry"

This year's Eurogamer Expo in London will feature, for the first time, a Rezzed PC and Indie Games Zone, featuring games from developers like Introversion Software and Bohemia Interactive.

"PC and independent gaming has never been more popular or significant for the games industry than it is today," said Eurogamer's Tom Bramwell.

"We're really pleased to be making it such a big focus of this year's Eurogamer Expo."

Hotline Miami (winner of Eurogamer's Rezzed Game of the Show), Prison Architect (Introversion Software), Natural Selection 2 (Unknown Worlds), Guns of Icarus (Muse), Strike Suit Zero (Born Ready) and Carrier Command: Gaea Mission (Bohemia Interactive) will all be playable in the Rezzed PC and Indie Games Zone. It will also be home to the Sega sponsored biggest ever Indie Games Arcade, featuring 16 indie titles.

The consumer show will also feature developer showcases from Hideo Kojima, Capcom, Peter Molyneux, 343 Industries and Criterion games. Tickets for Eurogamer Expo 2012 are now available at

The show takes place September 27 - 30 at Earls Court in London, where GamesIndustry International will also be hosting the the GamesIndustry Fair and Games Invest.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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