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Epic Games to present GDC Europe keynote

Mike Capps to discuss bringing triple AAA strategies to every game

The Game Developers Conference Europe has just announced that Michael Capps, president of Epic Games, will present the keynote at this year's event.

"Epic's name is one of the few that resonates just as much with the game makers as it does the game players – having brought to market arguably the most successful game engine of all time, alongside major game franchises such as Gears of War," said Frank Sliwka, GDC Europe event director.

"Dr. Mike Capps is a true industry stalwart, leading Epic Games to AAA hits time and time again. GDC Europe attendees will take away many valuable lessons from Dr. Capps and leave with new insights on how best to maximise resources."

Dr Capps' talk, Size Doesn't Matter: How Epic Brings AAA Attitude To Every Game - From Gears Of War 3 to Infinity Blade, will cover team attitude, production methodologies and include lessons learned during the production of upcoming release Gears Of War 3.

As well as his role as president of Epic Games for the last seven years, Capps is also on the board of directors for both the IGDA and the Academy Of Arts & Sciences.

Richard Garriott, creator of the Ultima series and Jens Begemann, CEO of Wooga will also be attending the event, which takes place August 15 - 17. Details of speakers and tickets can be found on the official site.

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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