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Call of Duty creator retires from Respawn Entertainment

UPDATE: Respawn confirms departure of Jason West due to "family issues"

UPDATE: Respawn Entertainment has officially confirmed the retirement of co-founder Jason West.

In a post on the studio's official website, Vince Zampella explained that West's departure is due to the personal reasons suggested in the initial rumours.

"Jason has left Respawn to take care of some family issues," Zampella said. "We have worked together on some amazing accomplishments over the years, starting with an early Segasoft project that never shipped. It is sad to see things come to an end, but there are times when change is best for growth, both personally and professionally.

"I wish Jason the best and send my best wishes to his family. Respawn continues to amaze me, the team here is resilient and talented. E3 will be therapeutic for us, as we finally get to start showing our work again. I know the team was excited about the response we got from just admitting we were going to attend."

ORIGINAL STORY: Anonymous sources have told Polygon and Giant Bomb that Respawn Entertainment co-founder Jason West (pictured left) has left the company.

West and Vince Zampella not only founded Respawn Entertainment, but also founded Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward. West's partner Vince Zampella has been left as the studio's head in his absence.

West's departure from the company is reportedly due to family issues, not problems within Respawn Entertainment. Sources also said that West has been gone for several months. Giant Bomb's sources say that West's retirement has not affected the development of Respawn's current unnamed game.

The company is coming to E3 2013, with many expecting a glimpse of upcoming title.

[Image via LA Times]

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Mike Williams: M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
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