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Vigil GM to lead Crytek USA

Vigil's core staff become Crytek's new North American arm

Crytek has revealed its latest studio, the Austin, Texas-based Crytek USA Corp. This is Crytek's first studio in the United States and is comprised of 36 former Vigil Games employees. Vigil was one of the few studios not acquired in last week's THQ auction, leaving many to worry about the future of the studio and its Darksiders franchise. Crytek USA will be lead by former Vigil general manager and newly-appointed CEO David Adams (pictured).

"I'm thrilled to be a part of the newest Crytek studio, which will boast some of the brightest development talent in the industry. The studio's launch represents Crytek's commitment to delivering diverse and high quality content to players everywhere," said Adams.

"Crytek has always enjoyed a special relationship with gamers and business partners in North America, so establishing a permanent presence in the US was a natural step," said Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli. "We are extremely excited about the work that we will be undertaking from our strategic new location in Austin, with David Adams and his team of 35 experienced developers. We believe our CryENGINE technology will enable the team we assemble to create unparalleled new gaming experiences."

Though Vigil's core team has become Crytek USA, the Darksiders franchise is still held by the withered husk of THQ. Crytek did acquire the Homefront IP for during the auction, as Crytek UK has been working on Homefront 2 since an announcement in September 2011. There's still a possibility for Crytek to acquire Darksiders, according to a tweet from THQ president Jason Rubin today.

"In response to many: The Darksiders and Red Faction IP have not been auctioned yet," tweeted Rubin.

"Great news for Vigil, at least the core team," added Rubin. "Thanks to Crytek for saving as much as they could of a fantastic team."

Crytek USA will be Crytek's ninth worldwide studio.

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Mike Williams: M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
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