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UK iPad 2 launch suffers slight delay as prices confirmed

Hardware available from 5pm Friday after apparent supply chain glitch

Apple's iPad 2 will launch eight hours later than originally expected in the UK, apparently due to a minor glitch in the shipping chain. The device will now be on sale from approved Apple sellers from 5pm local time, Friday March 25.

Twenty four other countries will have iPad 2s on sale at 5pm local time, whilst orders will be available at 1am GMT.

Apple's press release confirming the slight delay also listed final pricing for the devices. Wi-fi only models will be priced at £399 including VAT for the 16Gb version, £479 including VAT for the 32GB and £559 including VAT for 64Gb. Adding 3G support adds another £100 to the cost of each model.

"While competitors are still struggling to catch up with our first iPad, we've changed the game again with iPad 2," said Apple CEO Steve Jobs. "We're experiencing amazing demand for iPad 2 in the US, and customers around the world have told us they can't wait to get their hands on it. We appreciate everyone's patience and we are working hard to build enough iPads for everyone."

Apple's latest 'must-have' device launched in the US on Friday, March 11, where it sold close to 1 million units in its first weekend.

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