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The Podcast: How unconscious bias is holding back the industry

This week the team discuss the dangers of unconscious bias, the benefits of diversity, and the slow progress of virtual reality

The industry may grind to a halt during Thanksgiving week, but there's still plenty going as we take a look at unconscious bias, diversity, and the perceived failings of virtual reality.

Following last week's articles by Rebekah (Brass Lion Entertainment and the critical business of diversity) and Haydn (Overcoming unconscious bias in the games industry), we discuss both the barriers and benefits of inclusion. From hiring and industry blind spots, to why diversity is important and how to better foster it in the industry.

Then Haydn bullies VR some more while everyone else discusses its limitations, failures, and potential after Phil Spencer said "nobody is asking for VR on Xbox."

His sentiment was echoed by Michal Nowakowski, CD Projekt's VP of business development, who dismissed fears that the recently announced VR-exclusive Half-Life game would negatively impact Cybderpunk 2077. Speaking to investors, he said: "VR remains a... niche of the market -- like it's very, very small."

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