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Target stores won't carry Manhunt 2

Despite the ESRB's decision to change Manhunt 2's rating from AO to M, Target stores apparently will not be selling the game in North America

Despite the ESRB's decision to change Manhunt 2's initial rating from AO to M, Target stores apparently will not be selling the game in North America.

Calls to Target's corporate offices were not immediately returned, but several branches confirmed that they will not be carrying Rockstar's title.

According to Game Politics, an internal Target memo told every branch to stop selling the game and to refuse all future deliveries of the title for all systems.

Interestingly enough, the PSP version of Manhunt 2 is still available for sale on Target's website, which states: "This item is available online, but is not available in stores."

Manhunt 2, released last week, is still being sold at other US retailers including Best Buy, Circuit City, and Wal-Mart.

A Best Buy spokesperson told that they abide by the ESRB ratings, selling M-rated games to those who produce valid IDs, and currently had no plans to pull the game from their shelves.

UPDATE: A representative from Target's corporate office confirmed that the company made a decision to no longer sell Manhunt 2. She refused to elaborate further, and the company has not issued a formal statement.

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