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Tapjoy hires Geeknet Media vet as CPO

Jeff Drobick joins Tapjoy to refocus product roadmap

Mobile advertising firm Tapjoy has hired former Geeknet Media president and chief executive officer Jeff Drobick as its new chief product officer. Drobick will begin immediately, helping to focus the company product roadmap.

"We're incredibly excited to have Jeff Drobick on board as our Chief Product Officer," said Tapjoy president Steve Wadsworth. "To bring in someone of Jeff's pedigree and caliber adds yet another well-versed industry veteran to our executive leadership team. Jeff's combination of bidded ad platform expertise and the proven delivery of data-rich applications will have a significant impact on our product roadmap and how we serve our clients and partners. The CPO role is vital at any technology company, particularly in a sector that moves as rapidly as mobile. This addition also speaks to the incredible opportunity ahead for Tapjoy, as we refine and focus our product roadmap and position the company for our next phase of growth."

Prior to this position, Drobick was the president and CEO of Geeknet Media, the parent company of Slashdot and Sourceforge. Prior to that, he spent 12 years at Ebay, as the company's Vice President of Information Management & Delivery (IMD) and Product Development.

"Tapjoy sits at the white-hot intersection of mobile app developers, advertisers and consumers, and it's precisely the type of company I get excited about," said Drobick. "I can't wait to embrace the incredible new challenges and opportunities within this space and execute our vision and strategy, delivering the best products for our partners."

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Mike Williams: M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
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