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Studio Two Tribes says Rive is its last game

"We act like a typical grandfather: slow and totally unaware of what is hot"

Dutch development studio Two Tribes has announced that the upcoming Rive will be its last game, but the studio will remain operational. Martijn Reuvers, Collin van Ginkel and Meinte van der Spiegel shared the news in a frank and detailed post on the company's site.

"We've been working in the games industry since early 2000, making us dinosaurs, old farts, grandfathers or whatever you want to call us. This is great, because we've got a lot experience, but it also means that we act like a typical grandfather: slow and totally unaware of what is hot and what is not. Don't get us wrong: we absolutely love making games, and we strongly feel that we're good at making them. However, ask us anything about new industry developments, and often a big question mark will appear above our heads," they said.

"For example, we are used to working with our own proprietary engine. It's technology that works great for us, but is by no means competitive with tools like Unity or the Unreal Engine. And then there are monetization strategies like free-to-play. We only know, and feel comfortable working with, the traditional model of full-priced games. The same goes for marketing: we know how to make a decent trailer and send out a press release... but have no clue how to get traction on YouTube and Twitch."

Rive will be released in September 2016.

"We also want to make clear that Two Tribes will remain operational. We will continue to support our partners and all gamers out there, we just won't be making any new games after Rive."

In January 2014 the company announced it was "rebooting", with the original Two Tribes B.V that was founded in 2001 closed. A new daughter company was formed for the development of new titles. The parent company, Two Tribes Publishing B.V, was unaffected.

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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