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Strategic Command Global Conflict

Details of the latest features they've squeezed in.

01 November 2009


As development on the upcoming Global Conflict game in the Strategic Command series progresses, new exciting features are being added and refined. Interesting for new and old players alike, below is a list of some of them, complete together with a set of 6 new screenshots.

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-Added an 'S' hotkey to show you the current and expected supply on the map, i.e. if hypothetically venturing forward and into enemy held territory.

-Added a Partisan hotkey 'P' to show you parts of the map that will potentially have partisan activity

-Added a right click 'Sleep' option to have units skipped in the 'Next' unit key sequence as well as from flashing on the larger War Maps.

-Strategic Bombers can now raid convoy lanes provided there is a cooperating weather conditions and that there are no enemy fighters protecting the reachable convoy areas.

-Amphibious Transports can now attack land units simulating fighting on the beaches prior to landing. Amphibious Transport attack values can also be increased via the Amphibious Warfare technology

-Updated combat to include an awareness of relative unit upgrades resulting in less bloody combat between similarly upgraded opponents. For example, two Level-2 Tanks attacking each other will incur damages similar to two Level-0 Tanks.

-Convoy routes are now shown with directional arrows so players can better understand the relationship between source and delivery countries.

-Expanded the Reports dialog to include several new subdialogs and graphs including a 'Detailed' unit losses report page as well as MPP, Convoy, Raider and Strategic Bombing graphs.

-Convoys - Shows a graph of the total convoy income coming in for a country as well as all the convoy losses

-Raiders - Shows all the surface fleet losses as well as sub losses that a country has accumulated each turn on any enemy convoy lanes. This should be a good indicator for a country like Germany to see if their battles against convoys have been worth the effort as they cross reference with the effect of their raiding in the Convoy chart.

Strategic Bombing - Shows the losses incurred from strategic bombing, including future MPP collection losses due to lowered resource strength values, by an enemy action as well as the associated enemy bomber losses. For example, the Allies can use this information to determine if their Strategic Bombing campaign is worth the effort by looking at the German Strategic Bombing chart showing all the resource losses that Germany has suffered as well as the enemy bomber losses, i.e. those of the Allies, in attempting to inflict those resource losses.

-MPPs - Charts the accumulated MPPs from each turn as well as the MPPs spent on new unit purchases and MPPs lost from unit damage and destruction. Totals are also shown at the bottom of all graphs.

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