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Star Citizen reaches $40 million in funding

"The full impact of each additional dollar is actually felt across the board"

Cloud Imperium Games' Star Citizen has now received over $40 million in crowdfunding for its development,

"The Star Citizen community has pushed us to another incredible crowd funding goal: $40 million, a number that would have been an impossible dream at the start of the game's development," said Chris Roberts.

"I'm constantly amazed by the continued support we receive and how this community manages to grow every day. Since the last milestone we've added over 10,000 new citizens! Some say that space sims are niche. I'm not so sure."

The game has made a habit of smashing through its crowdfunding goals, with backers contributing through its own website via IgnitionDeck and then through Kickstarter. The funding campaign started in October 2012, by June the total had passed $10 million.

"The full impact of each additional dollar is actually felt across the board: the project currently employs over 200 people. As a result, every dollar allows us to support this large team and helps improve Star Citizen in both scope and scale."

The games release date is currently sometime in 2015.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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