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Square Enix president promises year of "aggressive expansion" overseas

Publisher will relaunch dormant Indian subsidiary and look to work with Chinese developers and publishers

Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda has laid out the publisher's plans for "aggressive expansion" overseas in 2019, promising this year will be "one of dramatic new progress".

In a letter posted online, Matsuda said Square Enix will be relaunching its "dormant Indian subsidiary" and pursuing a "robust expansion of our Indian business".

The low penetration of credit cards in India has previously created problems for developers and publishers looking to make headway into the market.

However, with India's population, economic power and developing infrastructure, Matsuda sees "an extremely promising market for entertainment consumption"

Meanwhile, the recent unpredictability of the Chinese landscape has created new opportunities for Square Enix.

As many Chinese developers and publishers expand overseas with M&A and other partnerships, Square Enix intends to build "collaborative and cooperative relationships with them".

"We also intend to pursue a global strategy that involves building collaborative and cooperative relationships with them," said Matsuda.

"As laid out above, we are likely to see a variety of major changes in the digital content industry and elsewhere in 2019," said Matsuda.

"The fluidity and unpredictability of the situation are all the more reason that there should also be major opportunities."

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Ivy Taylor: Ivy joined in 2017 having previously worked as a regional journalist, and a political campaigns manager before that. They are also one of the UK's foremost Sonic the Hedgehog apologists.
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