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Sony extends partnership with Nanyang Polytechnic

Education deal gives final year students access to PlayStation dev kits

Sony Computer Entertainment Asia has extended a deal with Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore which gives final year students on game design courses access to Sony development kits to create projects.

The deal began in 2009, giving rise to the jointly supported NYP Games Resource Centre - an arrangement which has now been extended by five years, reports GameStop.

The resource centre is currently the only PlayStation development and educational facility in South East Asia, and has given rise to two fully fledged games due for release on the PlayStation network: PhaseShift: Threat Beyond the Network and Spell Weaver.

The extension of the deal will also give students the opportunity to create code for the forthcoming PlayStation Vita, with SCE Asia president Tetsuhiko Yasuda hoping to use the program to encourage more students to become professional developers for PlayStation platforms in the future.

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