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SCEA: We have to do something different to get AAA on Vita

Don Mesa says AAA economics just don't work for the handheld

SCEA's director of product planning and platform software innovation has explained why studios aren't creating AAA titles for the PlayStation Vita, and pointed to services like PS Now as alternatives.

"The economics simply don't work with the traditional process," said Don Mesa in response to fan comments on the PlayStation Blog.

"We have to do something different to get AAA games on Vita. We accomplished it to a certain degree by making PS4 games work on Vita via remote play. PS Now will be another way, streaming PS3 games on Vita. I can't wait until PS Now is out on Vita - I hope you'll try out the experience and let me know what you think."

Earlier this year Drinkbox's Chris McQuinn praised the Vita audience and their appetite for games.

"Honestly, Vita owners are the ****ing best. People rag on the Vita so much, and I think people who rag on the Vita don't understand, at least from a business perspective, the purchasing power of Vita owners. Vita owners are serious purchasers of games. It's an amazing system."

Sony is currently launching a new slimmer and lighter Vita in the US.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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