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Research firm says iOS 9 adoption rates running around 45%

deltaDNA says newer devices more likely to switch, but many people cautious

Only around half of iPhone users have made the switch to the newest iOS, says research from deltaDNA - with many still cautious about the potential stability of the new system. Although 90 per cent of owners had moved on to iOS 8 by September 16, when the latest software was released, only 45 per cent of the install base had made the move to iOS 9 by the 24th.

The research, which comes from an install base of 20 million phones, indicates that owners of newer handsets are more likely to commit to the new operating system, although the gap in adoption is not dramatic between fifth and sixth generation devices. iPhone 4 users only have a 22 per cent adoption rate, however, which deltaDNA believes indicates concerns about performance.

Nonetheless, the rate of uptake is an improvement on the last roll out, where only 36 per cent had updated after the same period.

"Looking back at iOS 8 adoption this ratio is slightly better, only 36 per cent of Apple users had upgraded to iOS 8 within a week of its release and it took a full 6 months to reach over 80 per cent adoption," says the report. "All of the iOS 9 adoption has come from users previously on iOS 8; a constant 7 per cent of iOS users are committed to sticking with iOS 7. We would expect much of this nervousness is users on old devices worried about performance. In the chart below we split the adoption rate out by iPhone generation."

The study also compares the rates of adoption for those known to be spending on IAP and those who don't, but reveals a trivial split between the two groups.

"The non-payer adoption rate lags the payer one by around 5 per cent by the 24th September. However, it is likely this is simply a reflection of the device trend seen above, as 60 per cent of payers, compared to 41 per cent of non-payers, are on iPhone 6.

"Each major OS release offers a unique snapshot on the Apple eco-system. While the adoption rate of iOS 9 has been good, better than previous releases, around 50 per cent of users are willing to 'wait and see'. That this fraction is dependent on region, more so than device generation, is interesting and speaks to the way Apple's brand is perceived across the world."

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