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Quantic Dream adopts Autodesk for next project

"HumanIK will help us achieve more realistic animations," the developer says

David Cage and Quantic Dream wowed everyone during GDC with the Kara video, which demonstrates the technology being used for the studio's new project. Now it's been revealed that that project will be powered by Autodesk.

The Heavy Rain developer has adopted Autodesk software suites and Autodesk Gameware technology for development of its next game. The Autodesk HumanIK animation middleware and Autodesk Mudbox digital sculpting and texture painting software are new to Quantic Dream's production pipeline. Mudbox in particular is cited as "a driving factor" in Quantic's decision to move to Autodesk.

"Previously we were using another sculpting product, but we are impressed with how far Mudbox has come over the past few releases," said Damien Castelltort, chief technology officer, Quantic Dream. "The interoperability between Maya and Mudbox is a big plus for us. Autodesk has streamlined the workflow between products in the suite, enabling our artists to work more efficiently."

Autodesk's HumanIK middleware is being integrated into Quantic's new game as well. The software's full body inverse kinematics (FBIK) system enables characters to interact more realistically with their environment and other characters within the game. "Believable characters are crucial when you intend to evoke an emotional response during gameplay," stated Guillaume de Fondaumière, co-chief executive officer and executive producer. "HumanIK will help us achieve more realistic animations, while reducing the amount of time required implementing them. Also, the unified solver for HumanIK in Maya gives us better animation consistency between what our artists see in the software and what comes through in our game engine."

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James Brightman: James Brightman has been covering the games industry since 2003 and has been an avid gamer since the days of Atari and Intellivision. He was previously EIC and co-founder of IndustryGamers and spent several years leading GameDaily Biz at AOL prior to that.
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