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PopCap co-founder addresses EA "worst company" award

John Vechey notes EA's leadership and how happy he is PopCap got acquired by EA

With EA already sounding off against The Consumerist regarding their Worst Company in America award, PopCap has also decided to chime in. Speaking in an open letter to fans from his blog, PopCap co-founder John Vechey simply attributes the award to the consumer engagement and scrutiny that comes to tech companies. He believes that companies such as Bank of America and DirectTV simply do not have a fanbase that cares too much about how said company performs.

"It was a bit frustrating to read EA winning, but when I look at the list of companies, I only see one or two others that actually inspire any emotion or passion," he stated. "Apple. Google, maybe. I may rant or complain about DirectTV's atrocious customer service, Comcast's flakey connection speeds, Bank of America's ATM fees or Ticketmaster charges, but do I really care? Naw. No matter how angry I've been at them, I ultimately can't care."

"But man… you miss my expectations on the ending of an epic, three-game space opera that I've spent hundreds of hours enjoying - go f yourself," he said referencing the ongoing controversy affecting Mass Effect 3.

Vechey added that ultimately no company or group of people can be perfect and EA's made its fair share of mistakes.

"Everyone makes mistakes," Vechey wrote. "EA does not have a perfect past. It's made HR mistakes. It's made huge game design screw-ups. It's messed up studios, marketing campaigns and beloved franchises (sometimes all at once).

"It will do so again. There is no perfect company, and I won't promise perfection from PopCap." Even still, he retains his commitment with PopCap's decision to accept a buyout from EA.

"Make some fun games," he offered. "Go ahead. Heck, just make one. Make a game that you have to update every year or customers complain. Make a game that has thousands of hours of dialogue and storytelling. Make a game that excites, engages, and inspires. Now do it again. And again. For 30 years. In every genre. On every platform.

"I'm very glad EA acquired PopCap. I believe in EA's leadership. John Riccitiello has a vision for EA that is important. Gamers may complain about paid DLC, but there has to be something that sits between FarmVille and the $60 price point."

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.
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