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Pitchford: I'm not going to f*** around with you like Valve

Gearbox boss makes it clear that Borderlands 3 isn't in development

President of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford has offered a forthright summary on the studios latest projects, and made it clear that for now Borderlands 3 isn't among them.

"I'm not going to fuck around with you like Valve does with Half-Life 3," he told Polygon.

"Look. We know we want it and we know it should exist, but we don't know what it is yet. But we are doing things in Borderlands that we'll announce soon, that are good, and that I think people will be really excited about if you love the franchise."

He did reveal that the company's current list of projects includes Furious Four, a new Brothers in Arms title, three Homeworld titles and two new games based on new IP.

"He's overspent because he wants to right by his own interest in the property," added Pitchford, referring to Homeworld and Gearbox founder Brian Martel. Gearbox acquired the IP last April beating TeamPixel, Paradox Interactive and Stardock.

"We invested a lot to remaster the original Homeworld and Homeworld 2. We'll be releasing them on digital platforms in fully remastered - not just ported to work, but fully remastered. If you have a new crazy-ass Nvidia 780TI or an Nvidia Titan and you happen to have one of those $3,000 4K monitors, you're going to see an unbelievable image."

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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