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Pitchford: Borderlands has "highest attach rate of any DLC"

CEO on the super success of the Gearbox shooter's additional content

Gearbox president and CEO Randy Pitchford has revealed that Borderlands was the top title when it came to DLC attach rates on Microsoft platforms.

"It had the highest attach rate of any DLC," he told CVG, before going on to clarify that he was referring to more than just Gearbox's back catalogue.

"The highest attach rate of anything this generation. The guys at Microsoft told us that the Borderlands had the highest attach rate of any DLC."

In August 2011 Gearbox reported that the game had sold 4.5 million units worldwide. It saw four pieces of DLC between release and March 2010, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and Claptrap's New Robot Revolution.

Borderlands 2 is due out in September.

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