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Ouya founder says company is not seeking extra funding sources

Julie Uhrman backtracks on comments about additional funding sources

Ouya founder Julie Uhrman has been discussing at length the potential for the new console, stating that things were going to be an uphill battle for the team. Despite the incredibly successful Kickstarter, sitting at $4,984,489 as of this writing, the team was apparently going to look into alternative sources of funding for the console. Today though, Uhrman has retracted that statement, saying that the company is not seeking funding outside of the Kickstarter, nor are they looking to find additional investment at this time.

"Let me be clear, Ouya is not seeking additional funding outside of Kickstarter," read a statement from Uhrman.

"Our priority now is to continue to focus on building a great game console while engaging in our on-going Kickstarter campaign."

"Our intent in going to Kickstarter was to raise money that would take us from functional prototype to product on the market."

"With respect to our funding, we have been candid in disclosing an early round raised through friends and family that included backing from investors like Digg founder Jay Adelson, Flixster founder Joe Greenstein, and Jawbone founder Hosain Rahman."

"We do not intend to engage in any conversations related to funding while we are on Kickstarter. And, it's not like we are going to start speed dialing VCs as soon as the Kickstarter campaign ends."

"Once our Kickstarter campaign closes funding our priority will be getting Ouya to market, and delivering the best game experience possible. Fundraising will not be top of the list."

[Via Develop]

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.
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