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Nordic Game Program funding

170 requests for cash received from developers in 2009 - 14 times what's available.

The Nordic Game Program received 170 funding applications in 2009 – a situation that is pleasing but critical, according to the head of the programme.

Eighty-four projects submitted applications to the Nordic Game Program before the 1 October deadline for the second round of the year, bringing the total for 2009 to a record of 170. This staggering figure proves that the Nordic games industry is still growing, but also that it is impossible for the programme alone to meet the continuously growing demand for funding.

“Naturally, we are extremely pleased with the attention, the confidence the industry has shown in us, and the strong support that our activities have so clearly buil t up in a short time,” says Erik Robertson, head of the programme.

The total sum applied for is now 14 times higher than the amount available. The number of applications is more than five times larger than the programme was designed to process.

“We have rationalised,” says Robertson. “It was essential to cope with the administrative burden generated by the industry’s overwhelmingly enthusiastic response to the culture-policy initiative behind our programme. But our funding only amounts to a tenth of that available to traditional media from Nordic sources.”

“In Canada and France, for example, the industry receives 10 to 20 times as much – and I don’t mean in absolute terms, I mean per capita,” Robertson points out. “It is also a fact that modern culture produces very interesting export products. The Nordic Region is already highly respected in the global games industry, so there would be good grounds for criticism if we were to miss such an obvious opportunity to work together to create great cultural experiences and develop strong technologies for the future – not to mention all the jobs that would be created. All of these elements are exactly the kind of response we need to face down increased global competition.”

Over the next few weeks, a group of experts will evaluate the 84 applications. A pool of DKK 3 million is up for grabs in the second of this year’s two calls for submissions. Six projects received funding following the first round.

The recipients will be notified immediately after the funds are allocated on 4 November. The results will be announced to the public at a ceremony in Malmö in early December.

Nordic Game Program was launched in 2006 and is currently in its fourth year (of six). The programme focuses on improving access to Nordic computer games for children and young people. The funding mechanism is an important part of this work. Please refer to for further information.

Facts about Nordic funding for culture

Successful grant applications in 2008:

Nordic Film and Television Fund: 163 of 316 applications (52%)

The Nordic Cultural Fund: 272 of 775 applications (35%)

Nordic Culture Point: 226 of 915 applications (25%)

The Nordic Game Program: 16 of 138 applications (12%)

Facts about the second support round of 2009

Total sum applied for: 40.104 03 DKK

Number of applications pr. country:

Sweden: 32

Denmark: 17

Norway: 6

Finland: 26

Iceland: 3

Media contact:

Jacob Riis

Tel.: +45 2360 9422


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