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Nintendo "not there yet" on new console, says Fils-Aime

NoA president discusses Wii HD, 3D gaming and competition from Apple

Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime has claimed that the company is not yet ready to seriously think about releasing a new home console.

Speaking to Forbes, Fils-Aime commented: "When the software developer comes forward with an idea that can't be executed on the current platform, that's when we start thinking seriously about the next system. We're not there yet, from a Wii perspective."

Fils-Aime was also lukewarm about the importance of high definition graphics and 3D technology, saying: "For us, technology is not an endpoint. Technology is an enabler for fantastic consumer experiences. So from a hardware standpoint, we are always looking at technology. But in the end, the technology has to enable a new, unique experience."

"So when people talk about high definition for the Wii console our feedback is that that by itself will not create a brand new experience," he continued. "Therefore, we're not interested. What we have to push for are groundbreaking new experiences. Technology has to enable it, not to be a means all by itself."

Asked whether the company had any plans to sell virtual items, in an apparent comparison between Miis and the Xbox's Avatars, Fils-Aime was clear that, "We don't think it's an idea that creates value for the consumer."

On the question of increased competition from Microsoft and Sony's forthcoming motion controllers Fils-Aime cautioned that: "Our competition will face their own challenges. They'll have to create compelling software. They'll need to offer it at a price point that makes sense."

"They will be separately challenged because the motion-enabled part of their business will only be a small part of their line. For us, it's core to what we do," he said.

Fils-Aime also dismissed any talk of competition with Apple and its handhelds, stating: "There's been no data to suggest an encroachment on our business."

"On the other hand, we recognise that consumers have a limited amount of entertainment time, and anything that takes entertainment time away from the Nintendo DS, DSi and Wii is a competitor," he said. "And so from that standpoint, we need to build experiences that are compelling and sticky, and that consumers can get excited about. That's our challenge."

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