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NIKITA.ONLINE Company announces online project «Sphere 2. Arena».

7 March 2008, NIKITA.ONLINE Company announces new massively multiplayer online project "Sphere 2. Arena". The action takes place on a mysterious island, little enclave of Order, lost among the shadows of Chaos. These lands are the part of Rodos island, lots many years ago and transferred to unknown place by the magic of imperial wizard Andre de Brail. People that survived after this catastrophe have aligned connection with Sphere via magic portals and even set up new settlement - Keamboll.

However, soon a new citadel Forlaw grew near the city of humans - there have settled down vrils - aliens from the world of Naath. At first people of Sphere and aliens lived in peace with each other, together explored ghostly roads and ruins almost taken by Chaos. But once, almost occasionally, it turned out that vrils are no other but vampires. And the war has happened.

Recently a closed beta-test of the game started. Limited amount of players will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the game before its official release. All the volunteers should fill it the form on the website of the game at

Players will face 2 cities-castles - Kimboll and Forlau - that are lost among the shadows of Chaos, which separates inhabited worlds. Dwellers of these cities forgot about life in peace: they endlessly forge weapons and armors, boil magic potions, invent new spells. And new armies enter magic portals to fight on another lands of other enclaves of Order, that became an arena of endless combats long ago between humans, born on the spaces of Sphere, and vrils, that were named by humans as vampires.

Official website of "Sphere 2. Arena" -

Contact for press:

Pavel Zamorev (495) 788-7936

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