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Neil Young to keynote Evolve at Develop in Brighton

Mobile focused presentation kicks off 10th anniversary programme

Neil Young, former EA general manager and the co-founder of ngmoco, will be giving the opening keynote speech at Evolve, the forward-looking track at Develop in Brighton.

Young, now CEO of N3twork, will be giving a presentation examaning the mobile market entitled "Peak Mobile, Are We There Yet?" His talk will focus on the untapped potential of mobile gaming, as well as the need to secure the proper talent for the sector.

Joining Young for the day-long Evolve programme will be thirteen of the industry's leading companies, which will all offer a perspective on what lies over the horizon in terms of technology, skills and market movements. Presentations include talks from the likes of Hi-Rez, Nickelodeon and Google's Niantic Labs.

"Evolve:Brighton is all about being at the cutting edge of games development," said Andy Lane, MD of organiser Tandem Events. "With a fantastic mix of brand new speakers and big name companies there is great potential for some exciting new ideas to emerge. Added to that it gives me great pleasure to welcome Neil Young as our opening keynote focusing on the ever changing mobile space. It is a cracking line up for the first day of our tenth Develop:Brighton conference."

Tickets for the event are available from the official website, with an early bird discount in place until June 3.

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