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Namco Bandai signs distribution deal for Yoostar2

Publisher handling Kinect and Move title across Europe

Japanese publisher Namco Bandai will be distributing Kinect and Move title Yoostar2 across Europe this year.

The game features the ability to superimpose players on famous movie scenes via the use of the PlayStation Eye camera and Microsoft's Kinect and will be released in Europe in the first quarter of 2011.

"To say there has been considerable interest in the distribution rights to Yoostar2 would be an understatement," said Yoostar Entertainment CEO Gregory Fischbach.

"Almost every major player has been keen to sign the game, but in the end, we felt Namco Bandai's European muscle won out, and we're thrilled to be working with them on what will be unquestionably one of the biggest releases of the year."

Yoostar2 was developed by UK company Blitz Games, whilst Yoostar itself is based in the US.

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