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Musler: PS3 will catch up to, if not surpass, 360

Sega's director of artists and repertoire agrees with analysts who think that the PS3 is going to catch up to, if not surpass, the Xbox 360.

It isn't just the recent PS3 price cuts which will certainly help bridge the gap, but the availability of big titles, Noah Musler told

"Microsoft has done a good job of closing the gap between the platforms. I don't think they are in the situation they were in with the PS2 and Xbox 1, but it is still too soon to say," Musler remarked.

He notes that analysts think the PS2 could remain viable through 2009.

Having a variety of PS3 prices for consumers is certainly not going to hurt the PS3. "I think it has still got a little bit of time to grow," he said.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of videogame consumers out there, and the market continues to grow.

"People want to play games, and the games keep getting better. The development community is really driving that by making great product."

The second part of our interview with Noah Musler can be viewed here.

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