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Microsoft kills Halo movie rumours

"We plan to continue telling the Halo story through innovative channels"

Microsoft has stepped in to quash any rumours of an upcoming Halo film, after whispers of a Ridley Scott produced project began circulating online.

"We plan to continue telling the Halo story through innovative channels, but there are no plans for a Halo motion picture at this time," Microsoft told Eurogamer in a statement.

"The Halo franchise encompasses many elements, including games, action figures, novels and more. As always, we have many projects in the works that offer us the opportunity to bring in new audiences to the franchise, as we did in the past with Halo Legends and Halo: Forward Unto Dawn."

A tweet from Production Weekly (since deleted) suggested "The Halo project is a live-action feature-length digital produced by Ridley Scott."

Steven Spielberg and 343 Industries are currently at work on a Halo "premium TV series," which was announced at the Xbox One reveal event.

Last year Elysium director Neill Blomkamp spoke about a previous failed attempt to make the Halo film and explained District 9, his breakout hit, was born from its Spartan ashes.

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