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iPhone 3G sells 3 million, while App Store takes $30m

Analyst speculates on iPhone sales while Steve Jobs details success of its online software store

Apple's new iPhone 3G has hit the 3 million sold mark, according to an analyst, following news from the company that 60 million programmes have been downloaded from its App Store.

The iPhone 3G sold 1 million units in its first weekend and now, according to analyst Michael Cote of the Cote Collaborative, it has reached the 3 million sold milestone only a month since its launch.

"They are seeing unprecedented demand," Cote told CNN. "The demand is so strong it may impact or delay the new countries coming on."

This news came as Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, used the first month anniversary of the iPhone 3G and the App Store to detail its success. More than 60 million programmes have been downloaded for the iPhone and iPod touch, which accounts for roughly 2 million downloads per day.

The revenue from those applications came to about USD 30 million - 70 per cent of which went to the developers, while Apple took a 30 per cent cut. It was also revealed that if the sales keep up at the current rate Apple will make at least USD 360 million a year.

"This thing's going to crest a half a billion, soon," Jobs told the Wall Street Journal. "Who knows, maybe it will be a USD 1 billion marketplace at some point in time... I've never seen anything like this in my career for software."

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