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GeoHot reportedly working at Facebook

Renowned hacker could be coding for social network

George Hotz, AKA Geohot, the man who was prominent in the Apple hacking scene and who faced court charges from Sony over PS3 hardware hacking, is reportedly working for Facebook.

Hotz confirmed his new role, appropriately enough, via his Facebook status - noticed by Techmeme journalist Gabe Riviera after the initial report arose on TechUnwrapped. That information was sourced from a video podcast by some of Hotz' contemporaries.

What Hotz could be working on at Facebook remains moot, although it has been suggested that it could be the long-awaited iPad Facebook app or "Project Spartan", an HTML5-powered browser app store fuelled by Facebook credits.

Hotz settled his long-running dispute with Sony, which arose from a hardware hack which Hotz was alleged to have devised, by agreeing to a permanent ban on holding Sony technology in court in April.

The case against Hotz, along with the publisher's removal of Linux support from PlayStation 3s, was said to be the source of discontent which lead to the larger and infinitely more damaging attacks on Sony's PSN more recently.

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