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Gears of War 3 sales target is over 6 million

Epic Games admits "a little overlap" with Call of Duty and Battlefield

The internal target for Xbox 360 exclusive Gears Of War 3 is over 6 million units, according to Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski. Although the design director himself is hopefully of sales of up to 10 million worldwide.

"Deep down, just to be perfectly candid and honest, I would die if we hit 10 - that would be phenomenal. But I can only pray and hope. It's up to the gamers to vote with their wallets," said Bleszinski in a new interview with IndustryGamers.

Combined sales of the first two games currently stand at 12 million worldwide, but Gears of War 3 is already one of the most anticipated games this autumn - with pre-orders having passed 1 million.

The pre-Christmas sales period is especially busy this year though and Bleszinski admits that, "there's a little overlap" between Gears of War 3 and competing first person shooters Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3.

"Of course it concerns me. Well, when you have EA throw a $100 million dollar marketing at it we're like, 'Hey Microsoft, pony up some more money,'" said Bleszinski.

"With that said, those two are going head-to-head in November, and we have a good month and a half before then and I'm hoping if we get enough of that installed base of people who are hooked on our system of ribbons and unlockables and achievement points, gamers will be like, 'Damnit, no, I have to buy either Call of Duty or Battlefield, cause I'm keeping Gears.' That's what we're hoping for."

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