Skip to main content Best Places To Work 2018 UK finalists revealed

Special Award nominees can be found here

The finalists for the Best Places To Work Awards have been decided.

The main winners of the Best Places badge will be revealed fully on October 12th at a ceremony in London, as will the winners (and finalists) of the Best Small, Mid-Sized and Large Company prizes.

But we also have a number of special categories this year, designed to highlight excellent work in giving back to the industry, supporting charities, encouraging diversity and ensuring a healthy workforce.

We also have an award to highlight the UK games industry's 'Best Boss'.

The Best Places To Work Awards 2018 are presented by Amiqus, and supported by one of last year's big winners, Playground Games.

The finalists are:

The Diversity Award 2018

Creative Assembly
Failbetter Games
Hi-Rez Studios
ustwo games

The CSR Award 2018

Brightrock Games
Creative Assembly
Red Kite Games
Space Ape

The Health & Wellbeing Awards 2018


Best Boss Award 2018

Jamie Walker, Rocksteady
John Earner, Space Ape Games
Louise Roberts, Lockwood Publishing
Matthew Wiggins, Mojiworks
Scott Richmond, Brightrock Games
Simon Iwaniszak, Red Kite Games
Steve Cuss, Criterion
Tara Saunders, PlayStation London Studio
Veronique Lallier, Hi-Rez

Best Small-Sized Studio

Finalists to be revealed October 12th

Best Mid-Sized Studio

Finalists to be revealed October 12th

Best Large Studio

Finalists to be revealed October 12th

Note: Not all companies that entered the special awards also entered the main Best Places To Work Awards.

For more information on the Best Places To Work Awards, and for sponsorship information, contact:

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Christopher Dring avatar
Christopher Dring: Chris is a 17-year media veteran specialising in the business of video games. And, erm, Doctor Who