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Games revenues up by 135% at WB

Batman and Mortal Kombat boost profits at media giant

Excellent performances from both Batman: Arkham Knight and Mortal Kombat X have boosted revenues at Warner Brothers Entertainment, a performance which the company says "helped make it the top videogame publisher for the first half of the year" in its Q2 financial statement.

A revenue increase of 135 per cent year-on-year meant games contributed $727 million to a sales figure of $3.3 billion for WB - an increase of 15 per cent over the same quarter last year. Operating income for WB overall was up by 46 per cent from Q2 2014 to $344 million.

No further breakdown of games sales data was given other than the statement that "The increase in videogames revenues was primarily due to the releases of Batman: Arkham Knight and Mortal Kombat X." Other releases within the quarter for the firm have included LEGO Jurassic World and Infinite Crisis. The company also dealt with US distribution and publishing duties for The Witcher 3 for CD Projekt Red.

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