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Fire Hose Games offers desks and support to Irrational staff

"We can't sit by and watch all this potential development talent evaporate"

Go Home Dinosaurs! developer Fire House Games has offered free desk space to recently laid off developers in the Boston area who want to go indie.

"Most of the developers laid off are probably wondering "What am I going to do next?", and some are considering going indie and releasing their own games," the company said in a blog post.

"Meanwhile we're in the process of setting up an indie game seed fund designed to support Boston area indie teams, though we're not quite ready to start taking on applications for that yet as we're still getting our ducks in a row. However sometimes you need to strike while the iron is hot and we can't sit by and watch all this potential development talent evaporate, especially considering our mission to help other indie devs. So we're going to do what we can to help!"

The move follows the shocking news that BioShock Infinite studio Irrational Games is shutting down.

Fire House Games has made it clear the offer comes without a catch, offering a place to work and access to any spare equipment. Interested parties should contact

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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