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FF XIII-2 the latest playable game added to EG Expo

Square Enix joins Konami, Sega, Namco Bandai and id Software in supporting event

Eurogamer has announced that Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be playable at its Expo in September.

A sequel to Final Fantasy XIII, the game features heroes Lightning and Snow and returns players to the world of Gran Pulse. It's currently in development for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 joins an impressive line up of games appearing at the event, including a playable demo of id Software's new IP Rage and EA's Mass Effect 3 and Need for Speed: The Run. There'll also be games from Konami and Namco Bandai, and Sega will present the Eurogamer Expo Indie Arcade, showcasing the best of independent development.

The Eurogamer Expo takes place between September 22 – 25 at London's Earls Court. As the only event of its kind in the UK, this year it's expected to attract around 30,000 gamers. will also hold a career fair at the show, with more details to follow.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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